Pigmentation Facial Treatment | Price starts from $38 Nett
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Skin Pigmentation

Melasma / Age spots / Freckles / Hyper-pigmentation / Sun spots / Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation 

Pigmentation is caused by melanin in our human body. Melanin is the natural pigment that gives our skin, hair and eyes their color. Several factors can trigger an increase in melanin production, but the main ones are sun exposure, hormonal influences, age and skin injuries or inflammation.

Woman with Freckles

Why you should treat pigmentation?

These dark spots of the skin can make us feel aged and tired-looking. Thankfully, in most cases, you can lighten these pigmentation and prevent them from occurring. But if you already have pigmentated skin, NOT TO WORRY we can still help you with our non-surgical treatments. 

What is that pigmentation?


Sun spots

Caused by UV exposure. Such as sun exposure, computers, phone and many more.


A result of injury. Inflammation causes melanocytes to secrete melanin which forms patchy dark patches


Age spots

Photoaging know as solar lentigines. often over the course of years. 


A special type of hyperpigmentation associated with many hormonal changes.



Formed on the areas most exposed to the sun. 


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